Category Archive: Home

Forecast evaluation report October 2024

Forecast evaluation report 2024

Our latest Forecast evaluation report examines the performance of our March 2023 forecast and scenarios and draws lessons for future exercises. During 2023-24, GDP growth was close to zero and in line with our forecast. Despite rapid falls in energy prices, inflation was still higher than we forecast due to more substantial pass-through of prior…

Line chart showing cumulative public sector net borrowing

Departmental spending keeps borrowing above forecast

This morning’s ONS release shows that borrowing in the first five months of 2024-25 totalled £64.1 billion.This is £0.3 billion above the same period last year and £6.2 billion above the monthly profile consistent with our March forecast. Higher-than-expected borrowing continues to be driven by departmental spending, particularly consumption expenditure on goods and services which…

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Public investment and potential output

This discussion paper sets out how public investment is accounted for in our fiscal forecast, before exploring the key transmission mechanisms through which it can affect potential output. It then outlines our proposed approach to modelling the impact of public investment on potential output. We assess the time lags between public investment and its impact…

Line chart showing cumulative public sector net borrowing

Year-to-date borrowing remains above forecast

This morning’s ONS release shows that borrowing in the first four months of 2024-25 totalled £51.4 billion. This is £0.5 billion below the same period last year and £4.7 billion above the monthly profile consistent with our March forecast. The difference with our forecast profile is driven primarily by higher-than-forecast consumption spending by government departments…

Ready reckoner and supplementary forecast information release

We have published our updated tax and spending ‘ready reckoner’ that allows anyone to obtain quick, indicative estimates of the fiscal impact of a particular change in one or more economic variables. Read our updated article on the ready reckoner to find out more. We also received a request for  further information on the price…

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The Budget Responsibility Bill

The Government has introduced to Parliament the Budget Responsibility Bill and published a draft update to related provisions of the Charter for Budget Responsibility. The Bill would amend the 2011 Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act and require any fiscally significant measures announced by the Government to be accompanied by an independent assessment by the…

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Third external review of the OBR

The Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011 states that the Office for Budget Responsibility’s (OBR’s) non-executive committee must appoint a person or body at least once in every 5-year period to review and report on the Office for Budget Responsibility. The OBR’s non-executive members have commissioned Laura van Geest to lead the third external…