Medium-term forecasts

Five year forecasts for the UK economy and public finances and an assessment of whether the Government is likely to achieve its fiscal targets.

Fiscal risks and long-term projections

Report into the main fiscal risks facing the UK and sustainability of the public finances.

Forecast evaluation

Assessment of how our forecasts compare to outturn data and identifying lessons for future forecasts.

Welfare spending trends

An in-depth look at the drivers of welfare spending both inside and outside the Government’s welfare cap.

Monthly commentary

Our monthly commentary on the latest public finances data and how it compares to our most recent forecast.

Welsh taxes

We are commissioned by the Welsh Government to produce independent forecasts for devolved Welsh taxes.

Devolved taxes

Since 2012 we have forecast some tax streams devolved to the Scottish Parliament and, more recently, taxes devolved to the National Assembly for Wales. Our forecasts for devolved taxes are published alongside each EFO and are consistent with our main UK forecasts.

Press notices and presentations

Press notices are published on our website to inform the press of latest events or publications. The chairman, Richard Hughes, also gives press conference presentations to explain the analysis in our key publications.

Requests for information

As part of our commitment to transparency, we provide further information to our analysis on request. Requests can be made informally or under the Freedom of Information Act. You can also read our responses to Parliamentary questions.

Briefing papers

Briefing papers describe our work and explain the material we present.

Working papers

As part of the OBR work programme we will produce working papers on topics which will inform discussion on our forecasts.

Discussion papers

The OBR publishes discussion papers to generate debate around key aspects of its work. Our occasional papers are publications that are not part of a wider set of releases.

Annual report

We publish a full and transparent Annual report each summer.


As part of our governance we publish our terms of reference and minutes of meetings, as well as our corporate and business plans.

Log of contact

As part of our commitment to transparency we publish details of contact made between ministers, special advisers, private office and opposition MP’s and the OBR.


We publish letters, mostly between our Chair and figures in the UK Government and Parliament, on a number of topics.

Disclosures and expenses

Details of expenses incurred and hospitality received by BRC members are published on a quarterly basis. We also disclose expenditure in excess of £500 twice a year.

External reviews

At least once in every 5-year period, the non-executive committee appoint a person or body to review and report on the Office for Budget Responsibility.