We publish data on various aspects of the public finances and to provide supplementary information to support our forecasts and other analysis. Please email feedback@obr.uk to let us know what further data you would find useful.
Key sources
Our most recent fiscal aggregates forecasts and the latest monthly outturn data from the ONS.Updated around 2 working days after the monthly public finance release
Access public finances databanks for 2024-25
Access public finances databanks for 2023-24
Access public finances databanks for 2022-23
Access public finances databanks for 2021-22
Access public finances databanks for 2020-21
Access public finances databanks for 2019-20
Extensive historical forecast database that includes successive forecasts and recent outturn data for many forecast variables – including all the main lines of tax and public spending, plus the major fiscal aggregates (such as public sector borrowing and debt) – from our forecasts since 2010. The database also includes most of the economic and fiscal forecasts published by the Treasury prior to 2010 and in some cases back as far as 1970.
Updated at every fiscal event.
Tax and spending ‘ready reckoners’ that show how the public finances could be affected by changes in selected economic determinants of our fiscal forecast.
Updated every 1 – 2 years.
Long-term economic determinants that underpin our long-term fiscal projections. They are used by organisations inside and outside government to inform their own long-term modelling.
Updated at least once a year.
Budget and Autumn Statement policies and their savings or costs to the Exchequer since 1970.
Updated at every fiscal event.
Each certified policy costing assigned with a subjective uncertainty rating.
Updated at every fiscal event.
A decomposition of revisions to all our fiscal forecasts since 2010 into underlying forecast changes, classification changes and policy changes.
Updated at every fiscal event.
Policy risks represent Government ‘ambitions’ and ‘intentions’ that are insufficiently firm to be included in our central forecast.
Updated at every fiscal event.
Our new historical public finances database contains 300 years of tax, spending, borrowing and debt data. Read more in our accompanying article.
Supplementary data
Alongside each of our main reports we publish supplementary databases providing more detail on aspects of our forecasts and analysis. We also publish a spreadsheet version of all the charts and tables in each report. Databases published alongside earlier reports can be found on the relevant main report pages.