Our latest report on Fiscal risks and sustainability (FRS) will be published on Thursday 13 July.
The 2023 FRS report will focus on three current pressures on the public finances:
- Inactivity and health, where we will consider the role of health in explaining the recent increase in labour market inactivity, analyse its impact on tax receipts, welfare and health spending, and explore the fiscal implications of alternative scenarios for labour market participation.
- Energy, where we will assess the potential longer-run economic and fiscal implications of higher gas prices, including how they affect the composition of energy demand and supply and the achievement of the UK’s decarbonisation objectives.
- Public debt, where we will assess the fiscal implications of recent rises in global interest rates, consider the vulnerability of the UK’s current debt position, and explore the challenges in getting debt to fall in the coming years.
And in the final chapter, we will provide a summary assessment of a wider range of risks to the UK economy and public finances in an update to our risk register.
We would like to invite those with expertise or experience in these areas to share with us their insights or direct us to relevant material that we should consider for the report. You can contact us by emailing [email protected].