
Year-to-date borrowing higher than forecast

Borrowing in the first three months of 2024-25 was £49.8 billion, £1.1 billion below the same period last year but £3.2 billion above our forecast profile. This was largely driven by highly provisional data on departmental spending returns, particularly for consumption expenditure which is £4.6 billion higher than forecast. Receipts in the first three months of 2024-25 have also been lower than expected, though by a relatively small margin of £1.7 billion or 0.7 per cent, in large part reflecting a £1.1 billion shortfall in VAT receipts. These differences were partially offset by local authorities’ borrowing coming in £3.4 billion below profile.

Line chart showing cumulative public sector net borrowing



Key publications

Medium-term forecasts

Five year forecasts for the UK economy and public finances and an assessment of whether the Government is likely to achieve its fiscal targets.

Fiscal risks and long-term projections

Report into the main fiscal risks facing the UK and sustainability of the public finances.

Forecast evaluation

Assessment of how our forecasts compare to outturn data and identifying lessons for future forecasts.

Welfare spending trends

An in-depth look at the drivers of welfare spending both inside and outside the Government’s welfare cap.

Monthly commentary

Our monthly commentary on the latest public finances data and how it compares to our most recent forecast.

Welsh taxes

We are commissioned by the Welsh Government to produce independent forecasts for devolved Welsh taxes.